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Wise, a standout in the competitive fintech landscape, has consistently grown by leveraging its unique selling points. In a market teeming with options, Wise's distinct features of speed, transparency, and low costs have attracted a dedicated user base who rely on Wise for their international money management needs. 

Back in 2015, Wise embarked on a journey of creating high-value content that aligned with search intent for international money exchange topics on a massive scale. Through the use of templated content and a programmatic SEO (pSEO) strategy, Wise's indexed pages skyrocketed from 7,000 to a staggering 1.7 million across 20 markets and ten languages in under 24 months.

Today, Wise’s pSEO content is the foundation for its organic search strategy — accounting for about 90% of its 54.4 million monthly organic visits (per Ahrefs).  Let’s take a closer look at how Wise uses pSEO tactics to boost organic growth.

Wise built a product people love before investing in SEO

At the heart of Wise’s success is the company’s unwavering focus on product-led growth, a strategy that revolves around building and delivering products with the customer's needs at the forefront. This customer-centric ethos permeates every aspect of Wise’s operations, including content marketing and SEO efforts. 

Wise’s initial growth was almost entirely driven by word-of-mouth. The company stood apart from the financial services industry for its focus on transparency and low costs. When we look at Wise's Net Promoter Score (NPS), which measures customer loyalty, it’s easy to see how its customer-focused growth strategy paid off. Wise’s NPS is 76, while the broader financial services industry's NPS is just 27. 

Four years after Wise’s launch, the company had built a solid brand and momentum in the market. With this foundation, Wise decided to invest in SEO to accelerate growth. Using the same product-led strategy, Wise used SEO as a strategic lever to build high-value content for its target audience. 

By using templates and pSEO principles, Wise was able to create relevant, helpful, and highly-searched content at scale. Today, Wise houses over 385,000 pSEO pages, drawing in over 48 million monthly organic visits globally (per Ahrefs).

Wise’s pSEO pages: Eight core templates drive tens of millions of visits

Wise uses eight pSEO templates to create content across five highly searched categories. 

Category 1: Currency Converters

This is the first search category Wise tackled with a pSEO template, and it continues to be a top-performing template. Currency converters show conversion rates for two different currencies. The user can enter the amount of {currency 1} to see what it would total for {currency 2}. These pages capture traffic for search terms like “USD to INR” and “euro to dollar.” 

Wise has published over 260,000 currency converter pages across dozens of languages and 60+ country-specific sub-folders. These pages draw in more than 46 million monthly organic visits globally. Here’s an example of a currency converter page in English and one in Spanish Category 3: Compare pages 

These pages capture traffic from people searching for information about exchange rates with a specific financial service provider. Compare pages capture traffic for search terms like “Chase currency exchange rates” and “Western Union dollar to peso.” 

Wise has published over 6,000 compare pSEO pages across multiple languages within country-specific subfolders, attracting over 235,000 monthly organic visits globally. Here’s an example of a compare page in English and one in Italian. Category 2: Code Guides 

These pages capture traffic from people looking for specific codes required for money transfers. These pages encompass four different templates for IBANs, swift codes, routing numbers, and sort codes. Code guides capture traffic for search terms like “Chase Bank routing number” and “Chase Bank swift code.” 

Wise has published over 120,000 code guide pSEO pages across multiple languages within country-specific subfolders, attracting close to 2 million monthly organic visits globally. Here’s an example of a page in English and one in Spanish

Category 3: Compare pages 

These pages capture traffic from people searching for information about exchange rates with a specific financial service provider. Compare pages capture traffic for search terms like “Chase currency exchange rates” and “Western Union dollar to peso.” 

Wise has published over 6,000 compare pSEO pages across multiple languages within country-specific subfolders, attracting over 235,000 monthly organic visits globally. Here’s an example of a compare page in English and one in Italian

Category 4: Stock ticker conversions 

These pages target people searching for the conversion rates of stock prices for stocks not traded in their local currency. For example, these pages would cater to someone using a search term like “Digital World stock price” or “NVDA stock price today.”  

Wise has published over 79,000 stock ticker conversion pages in dozens of languages within multiple country-specific subfolders. These pages attract over 151,000 monthly organic visits globally. Here’s an example of a stock ticker page in English and one in Turkish.

Category 5: Currency exchange locations

These pages target people searching for physical locations to exchange currency in different cities. These pages target people using search terms like “currency exchange in Paris” and “where to exchange money in Phoenix.” 

Wise has published about 190 currency exchange location pages in English on its primary site. (Here’s an example of a currency exchange page.) These pages attract over 18,000 monthly organic visits. If these pages are eventually translated into different languages, there’s potential for them to generate even greater traffic.

Breaking down Wise’s currency converter page

As the Wise marketing team built its SEO strategy, they realized that people sending money internationally (Wise’s target customer) were also searching Google for the exchange rate between two currencies. 

This gave the team the idea to create an exchange rate calculator that would allow users to enter the value of {currency 1} to see what it would equate to for {currency 2}. For example, a user could see the conversion rate between US dollars converted

Instead of creating a single page to house the calculator, Wise made a separate page for each currency conversion possible on their platform and even created individual pages for hyper-specific conversions like {100 currency 1} to {currency 2} or {250 currency 1} to {currency 2}. They then translated these pages into dozens of different languages. 

This strategy enabled Wise to optimize each page for the exact search terms people were querying on Google and capture thousands of long-tail keywords. The result was more than 250,000 pages created from a single template. 

Let’s break down the currency converter template to see how it captures search intent and converts visitors to Wise customers.

  1. At the top of the page, visitors can click to the “browse all currencies” page which includes all possible permutations of currency conversions available on Wise.com. This strategy improves interlinking on the site by connecting all currency conversion pages to a single interlinked library.

  2. The H1 of the page immediately satisfies the searcher’s intent to view a conversion between {currency 1} and {currency 2}.

  3. CTAs invite users to “track the exchange rate” (i.e. sign up for Wise updates) or “send money” (i.e. use the Wise platform). These CTA buttons help convert users from visitors to leads or visitors to users respectively.

  4. A strategically-placed banner below the calculator encourages visitors to sign up for Wise.

  5. A conversion chart shows exchange rates over time and invites users to sign up with their email address to receive notifications about improved exchange rates. This module satisfies search intent for people looking to understand the best exchange rate relative to time and also helps convert visitors to leads.

  6. A comparison chart shows different financial service providers that visitors can use for international money transfers. The chart shows where Wise ranks among competitors for exchange rates — Wise is often near the top.

  7. The “top currencies,” “top currency pairings,” and “change converter source currency” sections improve interlinking on the site by driving users to other /currency-converter pages and /compare/ pages.

  8. A large module aims to convert visitors to Wise users by explaining how Wise differentiates itself from traditional banks.

  9. A chart breaks down dozens of specific conversions — each of these links to a dedicated conversion page that shows the exact conversion as its own calculation. Using this strategy, Wise can create thousands of pages and capture longtail keywords for hyper-specific search terms like “what’s 10 USD to JPY?”

  10. A final section allows visitors to click to the same page in a different language. This is also a clever strategy for Wise to create thousands of locally-optimized pages using the same template. to Japanese Yen.

Wise uses pSEO templates to scale content internationally 

Wise is currently available in 160 countries and 40 currencies. Catering to this diverse audience with organic content is challenging because every market has nuances in how people move funds and what they are searching for. With pSEO templates, Wise can capture these nuances at scale. 

Below is a breakdown of Wise’s top organic traffic by location. There’s a healthy breakdown of traffic between countries — this is possible with a templated approach that enables the team to build content at scale for country-specific keywords. 

How Wise maximizes snippet opportunities to increase position ranking on Google

Wise’s use of templates to capture traffic for a core set of high-searched categories is only half of their winning strategy. They also cleverly structure content to maximize “featured snippet” opportunities on Google.

A featured snippet is an excerpt from a page that directly answers a searcher’s question. Featured snippets are typically featured at the top of Google’s search results in “position zero” — a prime spot to maximize visibility and drive traffic.

A quick look at Ahrefs shows how well Wise captures snippets with its “routing number” pSEO content.  According to Ahrefs, Wise is featured as a snippet for 5,700 routing-number-related keywords in the US.  

So, how does Wise increase the likelihood that Google will pick up its routing number content as a featured snippet? They provide an answer to the question succinctly in several different formats on the page. 

For example, Wise’s routing number page for “Wells Fargo Routing Number in Georgia” offers the answer in three different formats:

1) As an H1 at the top of the page

2) As in-line text on the page. 

3) As a chart on the page

Wise does this exceptionally well compared to its competitors. In Ahrefs, when comparing the number of keywords that rank for positions 1-10 where the target ranks for featured snippets, Wise ranked for 18,136 keywords in the US. Meanwhile, Western Union — a top organic competitor for Wise — ranks for only 3,062 keywords with the same filters applied.

Build a scalable pSEO strategy with daydream

At daydream, we help companies like Product Hunt, Notion, and Tome build and scale high-performing pSEO engines. Our platform automates all the workflows involved in building and maintaining a pSEO strategy—from keyword identification to content creation and performance optimization. If you’re interested in using daydream and joining our growing list of customers, email us at [email protected] to start the conversation.

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