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⚡ Key Takeaways

  • daydream has launched its v2 Comet AI architecture, which significantly enhances the speed, quality, and efficiency of its programmatic SEO content generation.

  • Key improvements include enhanced user intent understanding, article prioritization, and stronger tone alignment and brand consistency.

Since daydream launched in 2023 with the mission to automate programmatic SEO, we’ve been focused on creating content that mirrors or exceeds human quality. Our aim has always been to ensure that content feels authentic and resonates with readers—not just optimized for search algorithms. 

A critical aspect of this goal is to avoid hallucinations, a problem where AI generates incorrect or fictional information. Large language models (LLMs) are prone to hallucinations for a variety of reasons, including outdated information, misinformation, or bias in their training data. They may also hallucinate when prompted to write about topics they’re not trained on, like highly specific information about companies.

We created daydream’s first AI architecture—nicknamed “v1.0 (Nova)”—to ensure factual correctness and prevent hallucinations. Our system is designed to digest company-provided data and contextual information so it can produce error-free content.

As we’ve grown and onboarded new clients, we’ve identified areas for improvement. To that end, we’re thrilled to announce the launch of daydream’s v2.0 architecture, or “Comet,” which further enhances content quality and significantly improves efficiency.

How daydream’s architecture works

Before we dive into our latest improvements, however, it’s first worth explaining how exactly our architecture works. 

At the core of daydream’s content generation system is a directed acyclic graph (DAG), where each node represents a specific processing step. For those unfamiliar with the concept, a DAG is a way of organizing tasks where each step leads to another without looping back—hence the term “acyclic.” This structure helps manage the flow of information efficiently.


The DAG structure enables our architecture to manage content creation tasks in an efficient and systematic way, even when it comes to large workflows. Each node performs tasks like retrieving references, processing them, combining data, checking results, evaluating quality, and so on.

The average article generated by daydream’s architecture involves 50-200 processing steps—significantly more complex than simply calling GPT once. This is also a stark contrast to the simpler approaches used by many other companies in our space. They often rely on direct calls to GPT models to generate articles, albeit with their own interface. While those systems can produce functional content, they lack the sophistication of daydream’s layered approach. As a result, their generated output is the same as what you’d get if you worked directly with ChatGPT or Gemini, which lacks company context, injected information, and brand tone. 

daydream’s platform doesn’t pass your content templates to GPT. Since our architecture involves additional data checks, processing layers, and evaluation steps, we generate higher quality content beyond ChatGPT’s capabilities. The result is human-centric content that’s factually accurate and aligned with your brand. 

For comparison, we’ve put daydream’s v2 Comet head-to-head with ChatGPT, giving both the same prompt and source. See below for the results:


Code Droid stands out by offering robust multi-step reasoning and task decomposition, which allows it to tackle complex software tasks effectively. It integrates tools like version control, linters, and static analyzers, providing a more grounded development experience. Unlike competitors such as AiderGPT4o and Devin, Code Droid shows superior performance in both simple and complex tasks, as evidenced by its SWE-Bench results. However, challenges remain in task prioritization and runtime variability. Its approach emphasizes explainability and safety, making it well-suited for secure, real-world applications. Source.


Code Droid stands out in the competitive landscape of AI-driven software engineering tools by achieving notable performance benchmarks. According to the Code Droid Technical Report, it outperformed competitors like AiderGPT4o and Devin on the SWE-bench Full subset, with a pass rate of 21.75%. Additionally, Code Droid excels in planning and task decomposition, tool integration, and environmental grounding. Its unique features, such as HyperCode and ByteRank, enable a deep understanding of codebases, while multi-model sampling ensures robust solutions. These capabilities position Code Droid as a leading choice for automating complex software engineering tasks.

The differences are clear. Notice how daydream’s output takes a more detail-oriented approach, citing specific features and data points like the SWE-bench Full subset pass rate. By comparison, ChatGPT’s output offers a high-level overview with less nuance, and sounds distinctly like ChatGPT.

Introducing v2 Comet: faster, smarter, better

Now, what does the release of v2 Comet mean for users?

For starters, v2 Comet is about 3.4 times faster than v1. It’s also improved in terms of content quality, specifically with regard to understanding user instructions and capturing the right brand voice.

More specifically, here’s what v2 brings to the table.

Enhanced user intent intuition

One of the most exciting advancements in v2 Comet is its ability to better grasp user intent. This improvement means the platform understands vague or complex instructions more accurately, reducing the need for constant adjustments. This is possible even in more nuanced situations where the user makes complex requests like choosing what section outline to use based on certain variables. 

With v1, we had previously observed a few instances where the system unnecessarily repeated data in its final output or formatted a piece of content in an unusual way. v2 is much less likely to do this. Now, users can ultimately focus on their target output, rather than worrying about how exactly to phrase their requests.

Efficient article prioritization

Another notable feature is v2’s article prioritization, which helps order article generation for quicker previews and iteration. This ensures that articles closer to completion finish earlier, while also ensuring batch generations don’t block single-article generations.

Previously, v1 processed the 50-200 steps needed to generate an article in a non-optimal order. This meant that even if an article only had one more step to finish, it could get delayed because the system was focused on steps for other articles. Mixed ordering also led to all articles completing together at once, making it harder to iterate on a template.

Now, the system prioritizes finishing articles based on the amount of work remaining and the size of the overall batch. This means that articles are completed one at a time, rather than all at once after a long wait. 

Before prioritization

After prioritization

With this change, users can review articles completed earlier and make immediate changes instead of waiting for all articles to finish together before making adjustments. Additionally, anyone generating just one or only a few articles isn’t blocked by a competing request for a large volume of content, e.g., 200 articles.

Improved tone alignment and brand consistency

Capturing the right tone and maintaining brand consistency is key for creating exceptional content. Thanks to our recent updates, v2 Comet can better tailor output to specific brands by considering the brand’s profile and refining prompts to reflect the appropriate tone and quality. Since prompt quality sets the stage for the LLM output, these refinements ensure content feels more human and aligns with a brand’s messaging.

Get in touch

At daydream, we’re always pushing the boundaries of AI-driven content creation. The release of v2 Comet marks another step forward in our commitment to producing quality content that resonates with readers. 

Interested in learning more about how daydream can elevate your content strategy? Get in touch with us at [email protected]. Whether you’re looking to automate your programmatic SEO efforts or simply explore the possibilities of AI-powered content, we’re here to help.

We’re also always excited to connect with other forward thinkers in the content marketing space. If you’re interested in the intersection of AI and SEO, check out our Careers page for open positions.

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